Saturday, October 1, 2011

Hello Internet!

Hello Internet! Eleanor here. Welcome to my blog! I'm new to this so I am doing sort of a blog warming post. So now to my blog, I am going to mainly base my blog on European history, I'm guessing this will be good for reports and all that school stuff. There won't be all history I will post something funny, different, cool, you know the drill. I plan to call it a Topic Changer. If your just looking for something to read, read this! I know you'll love it. Oh, and tell me about your blogs! I'll read them and most likely enjoy them! So don't be afraid to give me a shout! see ya'll soon! 
(A.K.A Eurogirl.)
Oh! P.S if a word is bold like this, it's probably something I'll tell you about at the end of the post like this; German, Someone born in Germany. That will be called Dictionary.


Ellie said...

hi friends Eurogirl here hope you like my blog!

Ellie said...

Oh and I won't allow fighting in my comments If you are going to fight go on another site