Catherine of Aragon
Ahhh.... It feels good to be typing again. Do you guys like my new template design? I have been getting feedback (from my Mother) that the old one was too hard to read with some of the colours. Now to the topic. Catalina of Aragon (or Catherine Catalina is Spanish) was born to Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castilla or Castile on the 6 December 1485. As a young girl Catherine was fairly pretty. She was short with golden-auburn hair, fair skin and large blue eyes. She was schooled well in ; Religion, law, latin histories, heraldry,genealogy and classics and most of those subjects made for a very religious young woman. She was taught spanish, french, latin and greek in language and she was also taught domestic skills; needlepoint, lacemaking, embroidery, dance and music. Cate was considered a suitable wife for Henry VII's son Arthur at an early age. The two later met on November 4 1499 and were married 10 days later. A few months later Arthur and Cate went to Ludlow Castle where they were both struck ill with sweating sickness wich was a horrid disease wich consisted of 3 stages but I will tell you about that in the surprisingly short dictionary. Arthur died, but Cate eventually pulled through. Cate then Married Henry VIII on 11 June 1509 and they were anointed June 24. Cate had six children and only one survived, Mary I. 1525, Henry noticed Anne Boelyn and soon after, married her and Divorced Cate. Cate died in 1536.
Catherine of Aragon
50 years
Cool. I had never heard of sweating sickness before. Maybe it will be on my next exam! mom
Did you read the dictionary???
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